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Rajeev BhadauriaManaging Partner Ebullient

& LEARNing

Choose to,‘thrive through’ the randomness of the 21st Century’s ‘technological disruption’ & its adjunct,’market turbulence’.

Just revisit,reimagine and redifine your ‘mental frames’ and ‘paradigms’. Learn the new in Leadership and the Learning space. Discover the ‘Anti-fragile’ in YOU and YOUR Organization..!

Remembering V/S Imagining

We humans have always given precedence to ‘remembering’ over ‘imagining’. ‘Memory’, involves dealing with reinforcing the familiar; Imagination requires dealing & configuring the ‘unknown future’. Imagination requires us to move out of our comfort zone and as such, could be at time’s, frightening. It requires us to risking a departure from the cosy comfort of the familiar.

However, in 21st Century, impelled by the unceasing momentum of ‘disruptive technology’ and its consequetial adjunct, ‘market turbulence’, ‘Continual Change’( exponential), has become the Societal/ Business driver itself.

Staying complacent with our past achievements (howsoever big and mighty), is no longer a possibility/choice, but a recipie for becoming outdated and irrelevant sooner than later.

Redifining, Reimagining and Reinventing our Future (free from the incumbrance of the past) given the ever changing context,is the only possible way out to remaking ‘future proof’.

We had so far lived for more than 5000 years, in the ‘World of Probability’, by permitting and computing between only the known variables( calling the unknown as Ceteris- Paribus). Impacted by the expanse of frontier technology, and as such, the increased frequency of the occurrence of the unknown variables, more than the knowns as before, theory of Probability seems crippled as it cannot deal with unknowns. Hence, we say, the 21st Century has brought us into the ‘World of Possibilities’- where any thing is possible. As a corollary, the good news is that nothing, therefore is ‘Impossible’ if only, we see not just the new things, but even the old ones with a new set of ‘eyes’.

The purpose of ‘Ebullient’ and its tag line, redifining leading and learning paradigms, finds its coherence from out of this realisation.
Given our Societal/ Business context, and the availability of the best possible technology across the shelf ( as long as one can buy), we all have a ‘level playing field’. All that we have to do, using our right part of the brain, with its creativity and parallel thinking capability is to find ‘a new angle’ and continue to do that over and over again. It is both, exciting as much as daunting.

from history but not being burdened by it

Hearing the silent knock of

Make your next conference memorable by Ebullient Keynote address.


Mr. Rajeev Bhadauria

Parivartan-Moving from narrow ego-centricity to broader eco-centricity

‘A one and a half to a three day series of webinar or live workshops bringing a ‘fusion’ ( not just synergy) of the Eastern ancient Wisdom tradition and Modern Western Management theories and practices…

click here to explore further

The Personal Business Plan-The new standard in executive coaching

‘Is a ‘blue print’for running your life of which, career is but just a part. Many of us, in course of our pursuit of career driven materialist goals very often miss this important truth of our existence as Human Beings.

click here to explore further