Strategic fund Raising program 2023-02-13T14:11:18+00:00

We make fund raise simpler

A. Large Investor network

We have a large investor connect in the impact space due to multiple deal executions with them in the past.

B. Strategic Approach

We integrate the fund raise strategy with the company’s business model and ensure end to end handholding of our clients.

C. Highly experienced team

Highly experienced Strategy and Investment banking experts with 37+ years of experience shall be working on your mandate.

Four Step Fundraising Plan

Investors expect a lot before they release their money. Robust figures. Water-tight answers. A business and a CEO they can believe in. But you should have high expectations too – that your investor is the right partner for you and your business. With our years of experience, we’ll help you find the right partner who not only understands your vision but also provides you strategic support to grow exponentially.

It’s imperative that we present a simplistic but strategic business model that resonates with the investor. In our opinion, mainly four interlocking elements in a business model that taken together , create and deliver value are:-

  1. Customer value proposition
  2. Profit formula
  3. Key resources
  4. Key processes

We shall work with your team to define the above elements which shall do wonders in terms of clarity while pitching to the investors

When raising funds, the pitch is never the place to discover that potential investors feel your financials are hazy and your deck is weak. Fundraising strategic plans, forecasting and valuation: we’ll help ensure your figures are robust and your presentation strong to meet your fundraising goals

While the collateral preparation does half the job, the other half still remains as the verbal pitch and the presentation. In the process of our interaction we shall keep discussing multiple investor viewpoints. This know-how of the investor shall ensure a focused presentation in the areas of investor interest. We shall ensure strategic support in terms of intermediation, data room preparation, negotiations  till the term sheet stage