‘A one and a half to a three day series of webinar or live workshops bringing a ‘fusion’ ( not just synergy) of the Eastern ancient Wisdom tradition and Modern Western Management theories and practices…both enriching the Organization as also the individuals whollistically. At times, when seen only as target achievers in a mechanical pure target driven framework, the Individual gets marginalised.Also seen through this conventional frame of reference, the Organization also performs sub optimally. Parivartan here provides an alternative framework to make good being done to employees as being profitable to the Organization as well’.
This programme is sensitively curated by Pradeep Chakrobarty (who had earlier run ‘Manthan’, a programme co-created by the famous mythologist Dev Dutt Pattanaik and himself) and Rajeev Bhadauria who has created a niche for himself in the Leadership and L&OD space given his vast exposure to both the Indic traditions as also the Western Management paradigms. The unique thing about this programme is to use the nuances of the ‘theatre tradition’ to reinforce and internalise the new thinking deep within the Participants…