About Ebullient

About Ebullient 2020-07-27T15:38:08+00:00

‘Ebullient’ stands for Cheerfulness and being full of Energy.

But as has been our experience, across Society, and particularly, in the Business arena, despite human progress and increase in material well being, there seems to be a lurking doubt about human energy, enthusiasm and exuberance keeping pace in the same proportion.

In fact, the ‘three’ very apparent disillusionments in the modern Industrial / Neo liberal economics based Business Scenario, are the following:

Increasing Globalisation, impelled by its own momentum, and further acceleration due to the technological disruption caused by convergence of the cyberspace, physical and the bio-space (as a part of the current ongoing 4th Industrial Revolution),is amplifying the already existing faultlines of the existing Ecological, Societal and Business order even further, both in terms of magnitude as also the complexity.
This forms the existing context in which Businesses have to outmanoeuvre the impediments created by the realities of managing Business in a state of dynamic equilibrium…!!

In this world, where ‘Business driver’ itself,is ‘continual change’( change taking place at every given point of time rather than over a period of time as in the past), linear extrapolation is dead. Paradigm shift is the only option. As such, at Ebullient with the help of a sharp and observant team of ‘digital natives’ and a mature and evolved team of ‘digital immigrants, are constantly creating solutions, to manage the random and the unpredictable- with paradigms of Agility, Adaptability and Audacity.

Our firm belief is that,with Black Swan events like the current COVID etc,our fundamental approach to managing individual lives and Societal / Business constructs will have to depend on a constant pursuit of ‘exploration’ in place if outdated mode of ‘exploiting’ the probable limited realms of the ‘known’ alone. Tried and tested will have to be now-onwards, constantly be subject to the test of continued validation, along with simultaneously, the validation of the ‘hitherto unknown’.

Our programmes provide high quality insights to the participants to see the world with fresh eyes.
The specific context/ methodology and delivery mode can always be customised to suit the clients specific needs.
What also differentiates us from the most of others,is our blended approach of creating a sense of ‘fusion’ & an evolved ‘amalgamation’ of the ancient wisdom of more than 5000 yrs of the Eastern part of the world and the modern principles of Management pertaining to the recent Industrial Age , evolved primarily in the West. We don’t judge as to which is good and bad, abundant or limited, but as to there always being ‘a better way’ to manage, provided, we ‘fuse’( not merely synergise ), the two approaches together. Probably, the ‘why’ of the East and the ‘what’ of the West, with the ‘how’ of both being the common denominator, filling in, wherever its required to be modified.

At Ebullient, keeping in mind the digital disruption and its adjunct, market turbulence, we redifine the paradigms of 21st Century Leadership and as a corollary to it, the concomitant Learning itself,. to creating a blueprint for cheerful and energetic sustainable sustenance..!!

The primary value differentiater in this context, where the most sophisticated technology can be had across the shelf, will be the ‘human’ behind these sophistications.
It’s the contextual, emotional, physical & inspired intelligence which will make a difference.
The Entrepreneurial disposition, the Strategic orientation, the Trans Disciplinary perspective, Eco-systemic sense of coalescence, alone will hold good.
Given the context, most of the decisions because of the dynamic changes spelt out, will all be taken in a state of semi-dark, if not total absence of light.
Besides this, Socratic and Ethical intelligence and awareness/ immersion regarding philosophy and morals would also be needed. In fact,more now, than ever before. This is an age where Homo-Sapiens are moving towards becoming Techno- Sapiens and Robots becoming Robo-Sapiens. It’s interesting as well as daunting times if we humans have to continue driving the driver-less car, not by controlling the steering, but by determining its destination.
And we at Ebullient are conscious towards building Leadership which is Agile, Adaptive and Audacious. The new paradigms of Learning would be clearly around more of unlearning. The existing What & How ceases to be relevent and relearning the new What & How will alone work as a rule, leaving aside a few exceptions.
The shortest distance between two points would have to be a learning curve, not a straight line any more. One will have to start responding, albeit in reaction time.!