‘Is a ‘blue print’for running your life of which, career is but just a part. Many of us, in course of our pursuit of career driven materialist goals very often miss this important truth of our existence as Human Beings.
Stephen Bruyant-Langer, the original Author of this framework partners with Rajeev Bhadauria in India to work through this profound journey of those who wish to achieve that magical balance which most of us miss out in our singular pursuit of career as a mechanical goal.
Stephen and Rajeev will help you with providing an experience of an effortless alignment of personal and professional life by making it more wholistic and fulfilling.
The good thing here, as in ‘Parivartan’ is that it can be run smoothly over the web as much as over physical interaction when times allow us to have them post Covid. There is a provision of an E-based tool kit, supplemented with series of web based sessions of intense and involved personalised Coaching…